Photo Gallery

Generations of CandleTime connection

One of the Gifts of Giving - showing kindness to those in need

A new favorite activity the little ones love

What card will it be tonight?

A peaceful CandleTime reading with Papa.

All bundled up to go see the lights!

It's time to decorate the tree!

Lighting the candle for Peace

Even when the kids are grown and gone, the connection is still there.

All the CandleTime essentials ready to go!

Everyone gets a Special Day! 

A favorite CandleTime activity ~ drop a dollar.

College friends gathering for CandleTime and drawing cards from the bag.

The cards are hung on the mantle with care

Making Christmas Cookies isn't just for the kids.

Let's go see the lights!

CandleTime brings out the best smiles!

3-year-olds love the meditations & Daddies love the quiet with the newborn.

Although the candle is snuffled ~ the magic of CandleTime lives on every day.

Even having cocoa together is extra special during CandleTime.

All packed up and ready to deliver Secret Santa gifts!

The wonder of it all...